Each person pays a $15 entry fee.

Points are awarded weekly; the people with the three lowest point totals pay a designated amount. The person with the highest weekly points will earn a designated amount.

The remaining ($$$) pot will be split 50/50 between highest % weight loss and most total weekly points received by the end of the competition.

This competition is designed to create awareness and support for friends and family to lose weight in 2015 and beyond.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

LivingLean - Regaining Power Over Food

Do you have a wellness program through work or other sources of free/cheap support for your weight loss goals?

At Office Depot, we do. The program is called Vitality. Although there are many aspects of the program that encourage people to live healthier lifestyles, I am focusing on one that is specifically geared towards changing my relationship with food, called LivingLean. This is a 12 week program consisting of videos, reading materials and assignments. Yes, assignments! One thing I've learned over many years of running the Weight08 competition is that people get out what they put in. So if you're only giving 50% effort, you're only going to achieve 50% of your goal. Anything less than 50% effort, I’ve found, has a negative relation between effort and results. So make sure you are ready for this competition and that you have made a commitment (mentally) to living a healthier lifestyle of eating better and exercising more. Win or lose, you will be better for it.

Now let’s get back to the purpose of this post - Although I cannot share the videos from the Living Lean program, I am going to post some helpful notes from each session. These will be notes from the reading materials and videos. You can CHOOSE to follow along if you wish or ignore it all together, the CHOICE is up to you!

Victory Is Not Losing Weight…
and you will.
Victory Is Not Staying On A Diet…
there is no diet.
Victory Is Being Free!

I must admit, at first I was a skeptic of this program and although it’s only been a couple of weeks, I find that I am not reaching for my “Main Munches” often and when I do, I remind myself I have a choice and I choose to Live Lean, which helps the urge disappear within minutes. I do not feel deprived or isolated as I have a choice and I am making the choice each time I am tempted by past emotions. This may not be for everyone but it’s working for me and I love to help others where possible.

The mantra of this program is:My purpose is to be continually in the vision of Living Lean and to transform my relationship with food and eating so that Living Lean becomes a natural way of life.

The program is designed for you to make choices every day to Living Lean by becoming instantly in control of your “Main Munches” and reprogramming your mind in order to change your relationship with food.

Before we begin, it is recommended that you write down five things you don’t like about being overweight, or being a compulsive eater. Secondly, write down five things you would like about “LivingLean” naturally. Be specific, create a vision in your mind about what you would like to achieve. (It is suggested you hang these where you can see them everyday.)

Next, identify 5 addictive foods, and/or relationships with food and eating that may contribute to you being overweight, frustrated or unhealthy. e.g. Over eating, eating before bed, eating too fast, chocolate, deserts in general, fast food, alcohol, soda, etc.

The last thing is to create a card that you can carry with you at all times. (I have not done this but I DO recite the front side when I’m making a choice to Live Lean over my impulse to munch.) The Front of the card should read: I’d like to eat… ___________ because I trained myself to eat…__________ in this situation. On the back you should have the program mantra, listed above.

Good luck! I look forward to all of us living healthier lives and being a role model for those around us to do the same.


Jon Stodola said...

MyFitnessPal is a great tool for counting calories. It has a really cool scanning feature on the app version so you don't have to enter everything in manually.

Jon Stodola said...

Not interested in the LivingLean program? Here are 5 easy steps to Healthy Eating:
1. Watch what you eat but you don't have to change everything at once.
2. Eat more fruit and veggies... then eat more fruits & veggies!
3. Don't skip break_fast.
4. Lose the sweet drinks and drink more water.
5. Plan meals ahead of time. Stop up on good foods & don't run too low or you WILL end up eating whatever's around.