Tom closed the gap between him and Drew by 3 points while everyone else slipped another point or more.
Week 4 Results:
Tom Stodola - 11
Drew Boxrud - 8
Jon Stodola - 7
John Ellis - 7
Melissa Ellis - 7
Sue Boxrud - 7
Mary Gruber - 7
Alicia Burt - 6
Karen Kriscunas - 6
Dan Boxrud - 6
Gretchen Harrington - 6
Joe Kriscunas - 5
Laura Kriscunas - 5
Nancy Boxrud - 5
Nancy Freitag - 5
Rolf Bergerson - 4
Jan Bergerson - 3 (owes $1.00)
Nick Holper - 3 (owes $1.00)
Jen Holper - 3 (owes $1.00)
Heidi Stodola - 0 (owes $3.00)
Try to increase your workout activity by at least 10 minutes per day and see if that helps the pounds drop off.