Each person pays a $15 entry fee.

Points are awarded weekly; the people with the three lowest point totals pay a designated amount. The person with the highest weekly points will earn a designated amount.

The remaining ($$$) pot will be split 50/50 between highest % weight loss and most total weekly points received by the end of the competition.

This competition is designed to create awareness and support for friends and family to lose weight in 2015 and beyond.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

LivingLean - The Six Criteria for Success

To be success with this course, or any program, it is important that you be willing to follow certain guidelines, which we call "Criteria for Success." They are listed below and will be discussed through the program.

1. Be willing to do this for yourself
2. Be willing to change your point of view
3. Be willing to stop proving you're right about not being able to change
4. Be willing to see that your fear of failure is less important than the benefits of Living Lean
5. Be willing to take responsibility for your actions
6. Be willing to tell the truth about munching

Assignment #1:Print and USE your Key To Success card each time you think of food. (Front) I'd like to eat..._________ and the choice is up to me.

Assignment #2:When eating, do nothing else. Make eating an exclusive activity.

Assignment #3:Identify your two (2) Main Munches or Compulsive/Obsessive foods (C/O's). These two foods plus your eating patters are primarily responsible for your being overweight. They are usually the ones to which you are most addicted.

Assignment #4:Record a minimu of five instances when you have chosen to BINGE or EAT your primary or secondary C/O over the last few days. Figure out and record why you consumed them at those times.

Assignment #5: Write your Number One benefit TEN times in a complete sentance beginning with an affirmative like: "I want and deserve to..." and then state you main benefit. For example: I want and deserve to feel empowered by the reflection I see in the miror when I take my shirt off.

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