Each person pays a $15 entry fee.

Points are awarded weekly; the people with the three lowest point totals pay a designated amount. The person with the highest weekly points will earn a designated amount.

The remaining ($$$) pot will be split 50/50 between highest % weight loss and most total weekly points received by the end of the competition.

This competition is designed to create awareness and support for friends and family to lose weight in 2015 and beyond.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Week 12 - Final Results

Changing behaviors is a significant part of my new role at MotivAction and something I'm passionate about in other areas of my life as well. This is not a plug for my company but rather a way to think about diet and exercise.

Eating better and/or spending more time exercising is something we could all do a little better at; but it usually ends up feeling forced and sometimes even painful to do. For some it’s eating better and healthier… cutting out those easily forgotten snacks or deserts that end up adding hundreds of extra calories to our meals. For others, it’s keeping busy – getting out of that chair at work or off the couch a couple times each week and going for a walk.

Once you're able to change those negative behaviors associated with your eating and exercise habits, it becomes much easier and less painful to maintain and continue working towards a healthier life.

Great job everyone! The points were good and one person managed to lose over 9% of their overall body weight; that’s amazing!!!

Weekly Update & Standings:

Week 12 Results:
Rolf – 6
Jan – 6
Krissy – 6
Laura – 5
Heidi – 5
Erin – 4
Dan – 4
Nancy – 3
Mary – 3
Jenny – 3
Mark – 2 (owes $1.00)
Melissa – 1 (owes $2.00)
Jon – 0 (owes $3.00

Total $ owed from point totals:
Mark - $12.70
Erin - $10.20
Jon - $7.83
Heidi - $7.50
Jenny - $6.83
Melissa - $6.20
Tommy - $6.00
Dan - $5.00
Rolf - $4.00
Jan - $3.50
Nancy - $1.70
Krissy - $0.33
Marry - $0.20
Laura - $0.00

Don’t forget: Unless you see your name highlighted below, you still owe the $15.00 entry fee as well – winners will be paid once all money’s have been received (please don’t delay.)

And the winners are…

Most points: Laura – 79 .....Highest % loss: Erin – 9.15%
Dan - 76.........................................Dan – 4.3%
Mary - 75......................................Laura – 4.25%
Krissy - 74 ...................................Nancy – 3.16%
Rolf - 69 .....................................Rolf – 2.7%
Jan - 64 .......................................Mark – 2.28%
Jon - 63 .........................................Krissy – 1.63%
Nancy - 56 ....................................Heidi – 1.46%
Jenny - 54 ....................................Melissa – 1.3%
Melissa – 50 ..................................Jenny – 1.2%
Heidi – 49 ....................................Jon – 0.0%
Erin – 43 ......................................Jan – 0.0%
Mark – 42 ....................................Mary - 0.0%
Tommy – 35 (through week 7)

We will be setting up round three very shortly but not until taking a month off – look for emails or a phone call at the end of July for an early August start and feel free to invite anyone you wish. The best way to reach me is j_kstodola@comcast.net or if you have any questions please feel free to call me at 612.669.2000.