Week 1 Results:
Mary - 10
Dan - 9
Jon - 9
John - 9
Sue - 9
Drew - 8
Laura - 8
Don - 7
Melissa - 7
Tom - 7
Joe - 6
Melissa B. - 6
Karen - 5
Christel - 4
Mary Jo - 4
Linda S. - 3 (owes $1.50)
Nancy - 3 (owes $1.50)
Heidi - 0 (owes $3.00)
For those of you who don't know me I am an engineer and have a strange love for data. My geek nature led me to record and plot all three competitions from 2009 (I used points earned per week per person to allow comparisons between competitions). I will be including this data (clicking on the chart will provide a higher resolution image) in the weekly updates so we can see how we are doing versus previous competitions and see if we can better our past performance.
The first competition of 2009 is the blue column, the second competition of 2009 is the red column, the third competition of 2009 is the green column. Our current competition (1st of 2010) is the purple column. We have started out inline with past competitions lets keep it going.