Each person pays a $15 entry fee.

Points are awarded weekly; the people with the three lowest point totals pay a designated amount. The person with the highest weekly points will earn a designated amount.

The remaining ($$$) pot will be split 50/50 between highest % weight loss and most total weekly points received by the end of the competition.

This competition is designed to create awareness and support for friends and family to lose weight in 2015 and beyond.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Results Are In... Well, Mostly.

From the very beginning till the very end it was a fierce competition. However, Jon Stodola won both the point total and highest % loss (by only .03%). This is the first time in Weight08 history that Jon has won either of them. Congratulations!!! (to me).

- Overall, this was an exercise heavy competition (I’m guessing because people had more options for exercise with the nicer weather.)
- Although we started and finished strong we dipped in the middle – especially the week before last.
- Besides the top few people I feel like the weight loss points were fewer than in past competitions (I know it was harder for me with all the great BBQs, fairs and summer travels.)
- 5 people finished with an average of 8 points per week or more.

Great work everyone! Hopefully as the top people keep losing weight it will leave the door open for new Weight08 winners – I don’ think John E. or Tommy have much more weight to lose.

Below are the totals from last week as well as total points, weight loss % and total $ owed. Please send your payment in as soon as possible so the winners can be rewarded ASAP. Give Jon S. a call or email for mailing address if necessary. Hope to see you all again next time.

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