Each person pays a $15 entry fee.

Points are awarded weekly; the people with the three lowest point totals pay a designated amount. The person with the highest weekly points will earn a designated amount.

The remaining ($$$) pot will be split 50/50 between highest % weight loss and most total weekly points received by the end of the competition.

This competition is designed to create awareness and support for friends and family to lose weight in 2015 and beyond.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Week 12 Results

This round seemed a little tougher than previous rounds for most people. With all the Halloween candy and Thanksgiving treats it was especially hard to eat well in the past few weeks.

Overall, I think everyone did a great job and although I didn’t do as well this round, I know I worked out twice as often because of this competition. Not only did it help me focus on working out, it also made me think twice about what I put in my mouth. I thought… this isn’t going help!

Week 12 Results:
Krissy – 5
Jon – 5
Joe – 5
Karen – 5
Jan – 4
Melissa – 4
Nancy – 4
Dan – 3 (owes $1.00)
Laura – 2 (owes $1.00)
Rolf – 2 (owes $1.00)
Heidi – 0 (owes $3.00)

Total $ owed from point totals:
Heidi – $26.10
Melissa – $8.30
Jon – $6.30
Karen – $6.20
Rolf – $5.10
Nancy – $4.50
Laura – $4.50
Dan – $4.40
Jan – $4.20
Krissy – $2.50
Joe – $1.20

Don’t forget: Unless you see your name highlighted below, you still owe the $15.00 entry fee as well – winners will be paid once all money’s have been received (please don’t delay.)

And the winners are…

Most points: Joe – 81 .....Highest % loss: Joe – 5.1%

Total Points:................Percentage Weightloss:
Joe – 81 .....................Joe – 5.10%
Jan – 66 .....................Melissa – 3.78%
Laura – 64 ..................Karen – 2.90%
Rolf – 60 ....................Nancy – 1.80%
Krissy – 59 ..................Rolf – 1.00%
Jon – 53 .....................Jan – 0.00%
Karen – 52 ............... ...Laura – 0.00%
Dan – 52 .....................Krissy – 0.00%
Melissa – 51 ................Jon – 0.00%
Nancy – 51 ..................Dan – 0.00%
Heidi – 14 ...................Heidi – 0.00%

We will be setting up the next round starting January 4th. Please let me know if you are interested in participating again or if you know someone who is. The best way to reach me is j_kstodola@comcast.net or if you have any questions please feel free to call me at 612.669.2000.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Week 11 Update

We lost two pounds as a group this week. One week left - let's make it a good one!

Week 11 Results:
Joe - 8
Melissa - 6
Jan - 6
Karen - 5
Jon - 5
Krissy - 5
Nancy - 3
Dan - 2
Rolf - 1 (owes $1.00)
Laura - 0 (owes $2.50)
Heidi - 0 (owes $2.50)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Week 10 Update

Here are the results for week 10. We lost two pounds as a group this week.

Week 10 Resuts:
Jon - 7
Joe - 6
Laura - 6
Dan - 6
Nancy - 5
Melissa - 5
Karen - 5
Krissy - 5
Jan - 4 (owes $1)
Rolf - 2 (owes $2)
Heidi - 0 (owes $3)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Week 9 Update

We lost 2 pounds as a group in week 9. I heard that a few people in the group were celebrating in Chicago over the weekend - hard to lose weight on vacation. I expect big results next week. :)

Jan - 10
Joe - 9
Krissy - 6
Rolf - 5
Laura - 4
Dan - 4
Nancy - 4
Karen - 4
Melissa - 3 (owes - $1.00)
Jon - 0 (owes - $2.50)
Heidi - 0 (owes - $2.50)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Week 8 Update

Six pounds lost as a group this week. Great job! We only have four weeks to go - let's finish strong.

Week 8 Results:
Dan - 7
Laura - 7
Krissy - 6
Jon - 6
Jan - 5
Rolf - 5
Joe - 5
Melissa - 4 (owes $0.50)
Heidi - 4 (owes $0.50)
Karen - 2 (owes $2.50)
Nancy - 2 (owes $2.50)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Week 7 Update

So, we hit double digits - but it was in the wrong direction. We gained 10 pounds as a group! We have a lot to make up for this week.

Week 7 Results:
Joe - 8
Laura - 6
Jan - 6
Melissa - 5
Karen - 4
Nancy - 3
Jon - 3
Krissy - 1 (owes $.50)
Rolf - 1 (owes $.50)
Heidi - (-1) (owes $2)
Dan - (-2) (owes $3)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Week 6 Update

Apparently the pep talk worked last week, we lost 9 lbs as a group. Let’s see if we can hit double-digit losses next week.

Week 6 Results:
Joe - 11
Rolf - 8
Laura - 6
Jan - 5
Krissy - 4 (owes $0.20)
Jon - 4 (owes $0.20)
Dan - 4 (owes $0.20)
Nancy - 4 (owes $0.20)
Karen - 4 (owes $0.20)
Melissa - 3 (owes $2.00)
Heidi - 2 (owes $3.00)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Week 5 Update

We gained two pounds as a group this week. Have some of us been getting into the Halloween candy early???

Week 5 Results:
Krissy – 6
Jon – 6
Rolf – 6
Jan – 5
Karen – 5
Dan – 4
Nancy – 4
Joe – 3 (owes $1)
Laura – 3 (owes $1)
Melissa – 3 (owes $1)
Heidi – (-1) (owes $3)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Week 4 Update

Here are this week’s points. We are up one pound as a group. Slowing down a bit. Let’s work extra hard as we move into October – the holidays are just around the corner!

Week 4 Results:

Rolf – 9
Jan – 7
Joe – 6
Laura – 6
Melissa – 5
Krissy – 5
Nancy - 5
Dan - 4
Jon – 3 (owes - $1.00)
Karen - 1 (owes - $2.00)

Heidi - 0 (owes - $3.00)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Week 3 Update

We lost another 7 lbs as a group; brining our total to 28lbs!

Week 3 Results:
Dan – 7
Krissy – 6
Laura – 6
Joe – 6
Karen – 6
Jon – 5 (owes $0.60)
Melissa – 5 (owes $0.60)
Heidi – 5 (owes $0.60)
Nancy – 5 (owes $0.60)
Rolf - 5 (owes $0.60)
Jan – 4 (owes $3.00)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Week Two Update

Another 9 pounds lost as a group. Let's keep it going in week 3!

Rolf - 11
Nancy - 8
Karen - 7
Laura - 6
Krissy - 5 (owes $.20)
Jan - 5 (owes $.20)
Dan - 5 (owes $.20)
Melissa - 5 (owes $.20)
Joe - 5 (owes $.20)
Jon - 4 (owes $2.00)
Heidi - 0 (owes $3.00)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Week One is Done!

This was another great start - we lost 12 lbs as a group and as you can tell from the top point earners, the bar has been raised.

You're going to have to exercise often and watch what you eat in order to win this round.

Good Luck!

Week 1 Results
Laura – 12
Joe – 9
Dan – 8
Krissy – 5
Jon – 5
Rolf – 5
Heidi – 5
Jan - 5
Nancy – 4 (owes $1.50)
Karen – 4 (owes $1.50)
Melissa - 3 (owes $3.00)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Welcome to Round 3

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness..." (William Hutchinson Murray)

Below is a list of people who are confirmed and hopefully "committed!"

1. Jon Stodola
2. Krissy Stodola
3. Laura Kriscunas
4. Joe Kriscunas
5. Rolf Bergerson
6. Jan Bergerson
7. Melissa Kriscunas
8. Karen Kriscunas
9. Heidi Stodola
10. Dan Boxrud
11. Nancy Boxrud

Note: There is a comments section at the bottom of each posting where you can leave your own message and encourage others. You can also use it as a place to share best practices.

Good luck!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Next Weight08 Challenge

Hello All,

It’s getting to be that time of year again, hopefully you were all able to maintain or potentially lose some additional weight this summer. For me; I managed to gain five pounds and exercise only a couple times in the first few weeks following our last challenge.

Keep in mind there are two ways of earning points: exercising and losing weight. As we saw during the last challenge; Erin (winner of % weight loss) had one of the lowest point totals for working out. If you’re planning to compete this round you’re going to have to do both. Eating right is often forgotten with the focus on exercise, but again, Erin is a great example that you can achieve one without the other. Imagine what would happen if we combined the two.

Please let Krissy or me (Jon) know if you’re planning on joining this round and feel free to invite anyone else that may be interested - the more the merrier.

Contact info:
J_KStodola@comcast.net or feel free to call me @ 612.669.2000.

Please let us know ASAP and be sure to send your email address and phone number.

Rule Change: In order to keep this site up to date and current – you are required to turn in your weekly points by Monday no later than 12:00 pm (noon). If you are late, you will be docked 1-point per day starting at 12:01 pm Monday.

FYI - The BLOG will be updated on Tuesday (baring any reporting delays).

Monday, June 30, 2008

Week 12 - Final Results

Changing behaviors is a significant part of my new role at MotivAction and something I'm passionate about in other areas of my life as well. This is not a plug for my company but rather a way to think about diet and exercise.

Eating better and/or spending more time exercising is something we could all do a little better at; but it usually ends up feeling forced and sometimes even painful to do. For some it’s eating better and healthier… cutting out those easily forgotten snacks or deserts that end up adding hundreds of extra calories to our meals. For others, it’s keeping busy – getting out of that chair at work or off the couch a couple times each week and going for a walk.

Once you're able to change those negative behaviors associated with your eating and exercise habits, it becomes much easier and less painful to maintain and continue working towards a healthier life.

Great job everyone! The points were good and one person managed to lose over 9% of their overall body weight; that’s amazing!!!

Weekly Update & Standings:

Week 12 Results:
Rolf – 6
Jan – 6
Krissy – 6
Laura – 5
Heidi – 5
Erin – 4
Dan – 4
Nancy – 3
Mary – 3
Jenny – 3
Mark – 2 (owes $1.00)
Melissa – 1 (owes $2.00)
Jon – 0 (owes $3.00

Total $ owed from point totals:
Mark - $12.70
Erin - $10.20
Jon - $7.83
Heidi - $7.50
Jenny - $6.83
Melissa - $6.20
Tommy - $6.00
Dan - $5.00
Rolf - $4.00
Jan - $3.50
Nancy - $1.70
Krissy - $0.33
Marry - $0.20
Laura - $0.00

Don’t forget: Unless you see your name highlighted below, you still owe the $15.00 entry fee as well – winners will be paid once all money’s have been received (please don’t delay.)

And the winners are…

Most points: Laura – 79 .....Highest % loss: Erin – 9.15%
Dan - 76.........................................Dan – 4.3%
Mary - 75......................................Laura – 4.25%
Krissy - 74 ...................................Nancy – 3.16%
Rolf - 69 .....................................Rolf – 2.7%
Jan - 64 .......................................Mark – 2.28%
Jon - 63 .........................................Krissy – 1.63%
Nancy - 56 ....................................Heidi – 1.46%
Jenny - 54 ....................................Melissa – 1.3%
Melissa – 50 ..................................Jenny – 1.2%
Heidi – 49 ....................................Jon – 0.0%
Erin – 43 ......................................Jan – 0.0%
Mark – 42 ....................................Mary - 0.0%
Tommy – 35 (through week 7)

We will be setting up round three very shortly but not until taking a month off – look for emails or a phone call at the end of July for an early August start and feel free to invite anyone you wish. The best way to reach me is j_kstodola@comcast.net or if you have any questions please feel free to call me at 612.669.2000.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Week 11 Update

Don't forget that we're in the last week of round 2. Now is the time to cut out those late night snacks and after dinner treats... well maybe that time was 11 weeks ago. : )

Week 11 Results
Dan - 9
Jon - 8
Krissy - 7
Laura - 7
Rolf - 7
Jan - 6
Nancy - 6
Melissa - 5
Jenny - 5
Mary - 5
Heidi - 4 (owes $1.50)
Erin - 4 (owes $1.50)
Mark - (-1) (owes $3)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Week 10 Update

As a group we ended up with zero pounds lost this week - looks like we may not quite be back on track yet. With this nice weather be sure to get outside and stay ACTIVE. And maybe cut back on the summer treats too!

Week 10 Results:
Melissa - 7
Heidi - 7
Jenny - 6
Krissy - 6
Laura - 5
Mary - 4
Jon - 4
Rolf - 4
Nancy - 4
Erin - 3
Jan - 2 (owes $2)
Dan - 2 (owes $2)
Mark - 2 (owes $2)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We’re back on the right track; we had a few people who gained this week but still managed to lose 6 lbs as a group. Great job everyone! Keep up on the exercising and the weight will follow.

Week 9 Results:
Jon – 11
Jan – 9
Dan – 9
Krissy – 6
Nancy – 6
Rolf – 5
Mary – 5
Laura – 5
Melissa – 4
Erin – 3 (owes $.50)
Mark – 3 (owes $.50)
Heidi – 2 (owes $2.00)
Jenny – 1 (owes $3.00)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Week 8 Update

Memorial Day is a Federal holiday intended to commemorate U.S. men and women who have perished while serving their country. To this weight08 group it appears to be a week/weekend of non-stop eating. The exercise points are on the rise; however, we have gained 20 lbs as a group over the last two weeks.

Congratulations to the few who have managed to actually lose a pound or two during this time.

All we need to do is lose 20 lbs a week as a group and we’ll still hit that 120 lb total. O.K…. maybe we should shoot for 80 lbs. We are currently sitting at 40lbs lost after going back 20.

Week 8 Results:
Laura – 7
Krissy – 6
Jenny – 5
Mary – 5
Rolf – 5
Dan – 5
Heidi – 4
Nancy – 4
Erin – 4
Jan – 3 (owes $.50)
Melissa – 3 (owes $.50)
Mark – 2 (owes ($2.00)
Jon – 1 (owes $3.00)

Due to the recent weight gain, we have a great opportunity to lose some serious weight this week. Good luck to everyone! Now get out there, enjoy the sun, and try not to eat all those tasty summer treats!

Week 7 Update

Sorry for the delay in this posting, there were a few people out of town Memorial Day weekend and even some the entire week following.

Week 7 Results:
Jan – 6
Tommy – 6
Krissy – 5
Jon – 5
Rolf – 5
Heidi – 5
Laura – 5
Nancy – 5
Mary – 4
Dan – 4
Jenny – 3 (owe $.50)
Melissa – 3 (owe $.50)
Mark – 2 (owe $2.00)
Erin – 0 (owe $3.00)

Sidebar – Tommy had a pretty severe knee injury last week and will no longer be able to participate in the weight08 program. It is uncertain the severity of the injury but at first glance it appears he has torn his ACL. Regardless, he will be unable to exercise, which doesn’t bode well for the points portion of this competition.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Week 6 update

Another 10 pounds down as a group! As long as we continue to average 10 pounds per week we'll hit the 120 lb mark as a group - that's a whole nother person!

Week 6 Results:
Mary - 9
Rolf - 9
Tommy - 8
Krissy - 8
Laura - 7
Jan - 6
Jenny - 6
Jon - 6
Heidi - 5
Dan - 4
Nancy - 4
Melissa - 3 (Owes $2.00)
Erin - 3 (Owes $2.00)
Mark - 3 (Owes $2.00)

Since we're sitting at the half way point, here are a few more stats to let you know where you're stacking up:

Total points through week 6:
Mary - 49
Laura - 47
Dan - 43
Krissy - 38
Rolf - 37
Jon - 34
Jan - 32
Mark - 32
Jenny - 31
Tommy - 29
Nancy - 28
Melissa - 27
Erin - 25
Heidi - 24

And the one list you don't want to see your name on top of; $'s owed from weekly points:
Tommy - $6.00

Erin - $5.20
Rolf - $4.00
Heidi - $4.00
Jenny - $3.33
Melissa - $3.20
Dan - $3.00
Mark - $2.20
Jon - $1.83
Nancy - $1.70
Jan - $1.00
Krissy - $0.33
Mary - $0.20
Laura - $0.00 Great Job!

Keep in mind, this is only the half way point and it's still anyone’s game. Last time around this is about the point where everyone started slowing down but I'm guessing that will not be the case this time as we are coming into the summer and swimsuit season. :) Keep up the great work and remember: putting in less than you burn = weightloss.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fifth Week Stats

Week 5 Results:
Mary - 13
Dan - 8
Jenny - 7
Laura - 7
Erin - 7
Krissy - 6
Jon - 6
Nancy - 5
Melissa - 5
Mark - 5
Heidi - 4
Jan - 3 (owes $1)
Rolf - 1 (owes $2)
Tommy - 0 (owes $3)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Another week down

We lost another 9 pounds, which brings us up to 45 pounds lost. Great job group!

Week 4 Results:
Rolf - 10
Dan - 10
Mary - 7
Laura - 7
Tommy - 6
Mark - 6
Jan - 5
Nancy - 5
Melissa - 5
Jon - 4 (owes $.33)
Jenny - 4 (owes $.33)
Krissy - 4 (owes $.33)
Heidi - 3 (owes $2)
Erin - 2 (owes $3)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Third week down, literally

We are down another 8 pounds in week three. Hopefully the weather improves soon so everybody can get outside. I know first hand that yard work can be great exercise. Here are this week's totals.

Week 3 Results:
Laura - 8
Krissy - 8
Tom - 8
Jenny - 7
Jon - 7
Heidi - 7
Jan - 6
Mary - 4 (owe $.20)
Mark - 4 (owe $.20)
Nancy - 4 (owe $.20)
Melissa - 4 (owe $.20)
Erin - 4 (owe $.20)
Rolf - 3 (owe $2)
Dan - 2 (owe $3)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Only 92 lbs to go!

We lost 9 lbs the first week and 19 lbs the second; we are definitely moving in the right direction. Great job!

Here are the totals for week 2:
Dan – 9
Jenny – 9
Melissa – 8
Laura – 8
Mark – 8
Erin - 6
Mary - 6
Jan – 6
Rolf – 6
Krissy – 5
Heidi – 5
Jon – 4 (owe $1.50)
Nancy – 4 (owe $1.50)
Tommy – 2 (owe $3.00)

Don't forget that you can make comments and messages of encouragement on this site, it's a great tool and helpful to share best practices.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

9 pounds down, 111 to go!

This was a great first week! Although we only lost 9 lbs as a group I am excited to see a lot of exercise points. The first time around we had nine people lose just over 100 lbs. This time we have a few more people and a goal of more than 120 lbs as a group. I am confident we will hit that mark and I hope to exceed it.

Here are the results from week 1:
Laura – 10
Mary – 10
Dan – 10
Rolf – 8
Krissy – 7
Jon – 7
Mark – 6
Jan – 6
Nancy – 6
Tommy – 5
Erin – 3
Melissa - 2 (owes $1.00)
Heidi – 0 (owes $2.00)
Jenny – (-2) (owes $3.00)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Welcome to Round 2

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness..." (William Hutchinson Murray)

I read this quote several years ago and it is one that has stuck with me. It remains one of my favorite quotes because it is so true. Until we "actually" commit ourselves, there will be hesitancy, ineffectiveness, and the opportunity to walk away at the first sign of failure.

My hope is that this little challenge will provide an opportunity for all of us to commit ourselves to becoming healthier. Although there will only be one or two winners; as long as we all lose weight, there will be no failing.

Below is a list of people who are confirmed and hopefully committed!

1. Jon Stodola
2. Krissy Stodola
3. Tommy Stodola
4. Heidi Stodola
5. Rolf Bergerson
6. Jan Bergerson
7. Jenny Oien
8. Mark Grams
9. Dan Boxrud
10. Nancy Boxrud
11. Melissa Kriscunas
12. Erin Kriscunas
13. Laura Kriscunas
14. Mary Gruber

Note: There is a comments section at the bottom of each posting where you can leave your own message and encourage others. You can also use it as a place to share best practices.

Good luck to all!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

12 weeks later & over 100 lbs lost!

Week 11 came and went without recording any points. I apologize to the winners for missing out on an extra $3.00 each. Not a single person called to post their numbers with Easter and all. I guess we’ll find out how well everyone behaved themselves with any weight gained this week.

As I mentioned in a previous post, we will be starting round 2 of the weight ’08 program next Sunday (April 6th) running through June 29th. Unless someone presents a compelling argument, all rules and pay-in/out’s will be the same. Feel free to invite friends who are interested in losing some unwanted pounds as well. First weigh-in (starting weight) will be April 6th.

Weekly Update & Standings:

Week 12 Results:
Krissy – 7
Jon – 6
Lynn – 6
Rolf – 4 (owes $.25)
Tommy – 4 (owes $.25)
Heidi – 4 (owes $.25)
Jan – 4 (owes $.25)
Linda – 2 (owes $2.00)
Jenny - 0 (owes $3.00)

Total $ owed from point totals:
Jon - $0.00 (only person who did not have pay in)
Krissy - $1.50
Jan - $3.75
Tommy - $5.75
Linda - $7.50
Lynn - $9.00
Rolf - $10.25
Jenny - $11.50
Heidi - $16.25

And the winners are…

Most points: Krissy – 78
Jon – 74
Jan – 72
Tommy – 68
Linda – 64
Jenny – 64
Rolf – 62
Lynn – 59
Heidi – 49

Highest % loss: Tommy – 8.8%
Heidi – 7.1%
Lynn – 6.9 %
Krissy – 6.8%
Jenny – 5.5%
Jon – 5.2%
Jan – 5%
Rolf – 4%
Linda – 0%

As a group we lost over 100 lbs…WAY TO GO!!!

Again, please let me know on or before Sunday if you are in again and please have those who are new contact me by the 6th as well. The best way to reach me is
j_kstodola@comcast.net. Or if you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 612.669.2000.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Nearing the end in Week 10

The weight loss continues to be slow going, but many of you are still regularly exercising which will help you going forward. The group only lost a total of 2 pounds.

Week 10 results:
Jon - 7
Krissy - 6
Jenny - 6
Rolf - 6
Tommy - 6
Lynn - 5
Linda - 3 (owes $1.50)
Jan - 3 (owes $1.50)
Heidi - 2 (owes $3)

Two weeks to go - lets try to finish strong!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Week 9 was not so DIVINE!

We lost a mere 3 lbs this week while 7 people remained flat.

Week 9 Results:
Krissy – 6
Linda - 5
Jan – 5
Jenny – 5
Lynn – 5
Jon – 4
Tommy – 3 (owe $1.50)
Rolf – 3 (owe $1.50)
Heidi – 2 (owe $3.00)

There's only three weeks left and now is not the time to become lax in your efforts. Let's finish strong and try to make some extra time for working out.

Good Luck!

Weight 08 tip: Cut Down on Sugar

Be careful about sugar in coffee and soda pop. It can add up quickly, and these drinks aren't filling.

Watch for "hidden" sugar in processed foods like bread, ketchup, salad dressing, canned fruit, applesauce, peanut butter, and soups. And be careful with "fat-free" products. Sugar is often used to replace the flavor that is lost when the fat is removed. Fat-free does not mean calorie-free.

The greater concern with the insulin spike (above) is not that it tells our body to start storing fat. Whatever we eat and don't burn up eventually gets turned into fat anyway.

The greater concern is that the insulin spike is followed by a drop in insulin level that leaves us feeling tired and hungry and wanting to eat more. The unfortunate result of this scenario is that it makes us want to eat something else with high sugar content. When we do, we start the cycle all over again.

Regulating your blood sugar level is the most effective way to maintain your fat-burning capacity.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Only four weeks left . . .

As a group, we only lost 2 pounds this week. That means we'll have to work that much harder over the next four weeks. Here are this week's point totals.

Week 8 Results:
Krissy - 7
Jan - 7
Jon - 6
Tommy - 6
Linda - 6
Heidi - 5
Rolf - 4 (owes $1)
Jenny - 3 (owes $2)
Lynn - 2 (owes $3)

Since this competition is also focusing on percentage of weight loss, I thought I would update the group on everybody's percentage of weight lost so far. This will help you stay motivated over the next few weeks if you want to win part of that pot!

Tommy - 8.3%
Heidi - 7.6%
Krissy - 6.1%
Lynn - 5.7%
Jan - 5.4%
Jenny - 4.9%
Rolf - 4.5%
Jon - 4.2%

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Another 13 lbs closer after week 7

We’ve averaged over 14 pounds per week up to this point, but only 9 over the last four. We need to average 10 lbs per week for the remaining 5 to hit that 150 lb mark. Let’s keep working hard and reach that number.

Good work group!!

Week 7 results:
Jenny – 9
Jan – 8
Krissy – 7
Jon – 6
Rolf – 6
Lynn – 6
Linda – 4 (owes $1.50)
Tommy – 4 (owes $1.50)
Heidi – 2 (owes $3.00)

Weight 08 tip: Eat More Fiber

Fiber makes us feel full sooner and stays in our stomach longer than other substances we eat, slowing down our rate of digestion and keeping us feeling full longer. Due to its greater fiber content, a single serving of whole grain bread can be more filling than two servings of white bread. Fiber also moves fat through our digestive system faster so that less of it is absorbed.

Refined grains like white rice and those used to make white bread and sugary breakfast cereals have had most of their fiber and nutrients stripped away. They turn into blood sugar (glucose) so fast that, like sugar itself, they can cause a spike in our insulin level. This tells our body that plenty of energy is readily available and that it should stop burning fat and start storing it.

Eating foods with plenty of fiber will help keep our blood sugar at a more consistent level.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Quite the mix in week SIX

The good news is; 7 out of 9 of us did not gain any weight, the bad news is; only two people lost weight this week. As a group we gained 2 lbs, bringing our total weight loss to 87 lbs in six weeks – great work at the half way point.

I don’t know if we have it in us but I would like to see us lose another 63 lbs in the second half; bringing out total weight loss to 150 lbs in just three months. CAN WE DO IT?

Week 6 Results:
Jon – 7
Rolf – 7
Linda – 7
Krissy – 6
Jan – 6
Lynn – 3
Tommy – 2 (owes $1.50)
Heidi – 2 (owes $1.50)
Jenny – 0 (owes $3.00)

Since we’re at the half way mark, here are a few more stats to look at:

Total points: It’s a tight race and still anyone’s game.
Jan – 47
Tommy – 45
Krissy – 45
Jon – 45
Linda – 44
Jenny – 41
Rolf – 39
Lynn – 35
Heidi – 34

$ owed from point totals: Here you don’t want to see your name on top.
Rolf - $8.00
Heidi - $7.00
Jenny - $6.50
Lynn - $6.00
Tommy - $2.50
Linda - $2.50

Jan - $2.00
Krissy – $1.50
Jon - $0.00

Weight 08 tip: Exercise Regularly

People who exercise regularly not only lose weight faster, they are more successful at keeping it off. Exercise makes it possible to create a calorie deficit and lose weight without starving your body and slowing your metabolism.

At home, at the gym, or playing sports, participate in both aerobic and strength building activities on a regular basis. Not only does the exercise itself burn calories, but your body will continue to burn calories at a higher rate even after you're done exercising.

If walking is all you can do, then walk because it's great for you. But muscle burns more calories than fat, so put on a little muscle if you can and you will burn more calories just sitting there... looking good.

But don't sit too long. The human body is good at adapting. If you dig ditches without gloves, you will develop calluses to protect your hands. If you sit too long, you will develop extra padding to keep you comfortable!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Going strong in Week 5

Week five was pretty good, although we had a few more sick teammates. Hopefully everybody will be healthy going forward.

Week 5 Results:
Rolf - 10 pts
Jan - 9 pts
Tommy - 9 pts
Jon - 8 pts
Jenny - 8 pts
Lynn - 8 pts
Krissy - 6 pts (owes $1.50)
Linda - 6 pts (owes $1.50)
Heidi - 0 pts (owes $3)

The group lost a total of 23 pounds. Let's keep that going into week 6. Stay active - and warm!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Week FOUR was poor

After averaging 21 lbs lost during each of the first three weeks, our group managed to lose only 3 pounds in week four. The numbers are bound to drop, the water weight is gone and now its time to lose the stuff we really want to be rid of… FAT!

Week 4 results:
Heidi – 8
Tommy – 7
Krissy – 7
Jon – 6
Linda – 5
Jan – 5
Lynn – 4 (owe $2)
Jenny – 4 (owe $2)
Rolf – 4 (owe $2)

As we get into these harder to lose pounds, it is crucial to keep up on the exercise.

Weight 08 tip: Take It Easy

Unless you are excited to be following a very specific diet and exercise plan, do not try and change too much too fast. If you have been eating poorly and not exercising, both your body and your mind will have a lot of adjusting to do.

All the sugar and fat were actually quite enjoyable, and sitting on the couch didn't feel too bad, either. If you try and change everything too quickly the odds are greater that you will feel bad, get discouraged, and give up. So be patient.

A time will come when a healthy snack will taste as good as the junk food you felt bad about eating, and you will look forward to your regular exercise.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Here's to Week Three!

The results are in for week three. Tommy's calorie counting website must be working because him and Heidi came out on top.

Week 3 results:
Tommy - 10
Heidi - 10
Jan - 9
Linda - 9
Jon - 8
Krissy - 8
Jenny - 6 (owes $1.50)
Lynn - 6 (owes $1.50)
Rolf - 5 (owes $3)

The group lost a total of 18 pounds, which brings our total after three weeks to 63 pounds. Hopefully with this warmer whether some of us can get outside for a walk - at least before it's 0 again later this week. Keep up the exercising and remember watch what you eat - no mini cookies Linda and Jan. :) Talk to you next week!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Week Two is THROUGH

I thought things would slow down week two, but you all proved me wrong (well, everyone except for Rolf. Just kidding - Rolf came down with a sinus infection so he wasn't able to get his excercise points this week).

Week 2 results:
Tommy - 11
Jenny - 10
Krissy - 9
Jon - 9
Lynn - 9
Heidi - 9
Linda - 8 (owes $1)
Jan - 7 (owes $2)
Rolf - 2 (owes $3)

Congratulations on another great week! The group lost an additional 23 pounds bringing our cummulative total to 45 pounds. That's pretty impressive considering we started two weeks ago.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Week ONE is done!

After only seven days, the group has lost a whopping 22lbs!

Week 1 results:
Jenny – 13
Jan – 11
Rolf – 11
Krissy – 9
Linda – 9
Jon – 7
Tommy – 6 (owe $1.00)
Lynn – 5 (owe $2.50)
Heidi – 5 (owe $2.50)

Who would have thought that 9 points would have been middle ground and that 7 points was just enough to be safe from paying in?

Below are a few commonalities for losing weight and keeping it off:
1. Portions – limit your portions; try to cut back on the amount of food you eat at each sitting.
2. Eat slow – allow your stomach to fill up and stop before you are full.
3. Limit the snacking – although 6 small meals a day is better than 3 larger meals, try to limit the amount of unnecessary snacking.
4. Break the habit - don’t eat or drink (diet coke) to fill time; instead; drink a glass of water.
5. Eat healthier – maintaining a balanced diet is essential for keeping the weight off.
6. Exercise - while this competition requires a minimum of 30 minutes, the golden rule is: if you want to lose weight, you must burn more than what you are putting in.

*If you have anything to add to this or reject, feel free to respond to this posting.

FYI – There is a response area located at the bottom of each posting; be sure to check it out and see what everyone’s saying. Also, feel free to post your own personal messages there as well.

Quotes that fit:

A diet is the penalty we pay for exceeding the feed limit. ~Author Unknown

The cardiologist's diet: If it tastes good, spit it out. ~Author Unknown

After dinner sit a while, and after supper walk a mile. ~English Saying

Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork. ~English Proverb

I have two doctors, my left leg and my right. ~G.M. Trevelyan

People say that losing weight is no walk in the park. When I hear that I think, yeah, that's the problem. ~Chris Adams

If your dog is fat, you're not getting enough exercise. ~Author Unknown

Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. ~Doug Larson

In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired. ~Author Unknown

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Confirmed and Committed

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness..." (William Hutchinson Murray)

I read this quote several years ago and it is one that has stuck with me. It remains one of my favorite quotes because it is so true. Until we "actually" commit ourselves, there will be hesitancy, ineffectiveness, and the opportunity to walk away at the first sign of failure.

My hope is that this little challenge will provide an opportunity for all of us to commit ourselves to becoming healthier. Although there will only be one or two winners; as long as we all lose weight, there will be no failing.

Below is a list of people who are confirmed and hopefully committed!

  1. Jon Stodola
  2. Krissy Stodola
  3. Rolf Bergerson
  4. Jan Bergerson
  5. Linda Mazzuco
  6. Tom Stodola
  7. Heidi Stodola
  8. Jenny Oien
  9. Lynn McMahon