Each person pays a $15 entry fee.

Points are awarded weekly; the people with the three lowest point totals pay a designated amount. The person with the highest weekly points will earn a designated amount.

The remaining ($$$) pot will be split 50/50 between highest % weight loss and most total weekly points received by the end of the competition.

This competition is designed to create awareness and support for friends and family to lose weight in 2015 and beyond.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Week 8 Results:
Karen - 10
John - 9
Tom - 7
Sue - 6
Joe - 5
Laura - 5
Christel - 5
Drew - 5
Jon - 5
Nancy - 4
Melissa - 4
Shelley - 4
Linda - 3
Rolf - 3
Heidi - 3
Todd - 2 (owes $1.50)
Shannon - 2 (owes $1.50)
Dan - (-1) (owes $3.00)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Error correction: Shelley reported 6 points for the weeks of 4 and 5 - instead of 4 and 2 respectively, as previously recorded. I have adjusted the totals and pay-in amounts accordingly. Thanks for your understanding and please let me know if you ever see anything incorrect on your totals.

NOTE: Becky is taking a little hiatus as she is working through some medical issues at this time. She will not be tracked on the weekly results until she is able to return. We wishher all the best and look forward to her return!

Weeks 7 Results:
Tom - 9
Laura - 8
Jon - 7
Heidi - 7
Sue - 6
Melissa - 6
Dan - 6
John - 5
Joe - 5
Shelley - 5
Karen - 5
Shannon - 4
Rolf - 4
Drew - 4
Christel - 4
Linda - 2 (owes $1.50)
Todd - 2 (owes $1.50)
Nancy - 0 (owes $3.00)